Thursday, 11 June 2015

Festival must haves...

Hey everyone,

So my posts recently have been quite festival related but its fitting so well especially with the UK festival scene kicking off. This Thursday's post is all about my festival must haves. All things I'd be lost without and I HIGHLY recommend you pack. If you are a festival virgin this will be a useful tool, however this list will probably be really relatable to those festival veterans.
1. Tissues and hand sanitiser.
Yes I am getting the disgusting stuff out the way first. Different festivals have different toilet situations, some are really nice and cleaned often, others not so much (I still have nightmares about the Reading campsite toilets, sorry). So your best bet if you don't know is BE PREPARED. The best way to be prepared is have tissues and hand sanitiser on you at all times. If your chosen festivals toilets are top notch then at least you have tissues and hand sanitiser for when the dirt and mud gets everywhere. This hand sanitiser pictured above is one of my favourite smelling hand gels on the market, available at Superdrug.

(Me at V Festival 2 years ago showing off my light rain coats and clashing wellies)
Even in the hottest of British summers you can guarantee on a festival weekend it will rain or the nights will get awful cold. Even if you have a tent buddy the nights can still get awfully cold. Make sure you have a jumper, even if it does make me sound like your mum. Also a light rain coat and wellies are a must. We don't have the beautiful desert grasslands of Coachella, we have fields, muddy muddy fields. Dont bring your best trainers/sandals pop on some cute wellies and make it work.

3. Disposable Camera
(Another fetching picture of me at Vfestival, pitching the tent. Also showing how great disposable camera pictures look)
There is nothing worse than coming home from a festival getting and being snacked round the face with festival blues. The best way to stop these blues hitting so hard is having lots of photos to look at. Yes, you can take your phone and take pictures but what if it gets lost or stolen (it does happen), NO PICTURES. Disposable cameras are large so will be hard to lose and don't get stolen, bonus, plus the pictures look super cute. If you are fancy enough to have one of these polaroid cameras, these are also a must. Instant cute photos, just be sure not to lose them.

4. Dry shampoo.
This seems to be quite obvious but you'd be surprised how many people I know that forget it. Although I haven't had a bad experience with festival showers, I have heard horror stories. If you aren't keen or the horror stories have scared you to much, dry shampoo is your answer. A quick baby wipe bath and a spritz of dry shampoo and you will be feeling super fresh and ready to battle your way around the festival. Batiste is a personal favourite, especially the floral and flirty one.

5. The ultimate alcohol sneaking device.
Now I am not condoning breaking festival rules of not bringing alcohol into the arena at all. However, those bar prices are ridiculous and if you have already spent lots of money on alcohol thats just sat in your tent, you don't want to waste it. Again, like the loos, every festival is different. I have been to festivals that have security with hand held metal detectors to get hipflasks down shorts, and I have been to some where you can stroll in and no one bats an eye. You will have to do some research and keep an eye out when entering the arena. I met a lovely bunch of ladies at V Festival 2 years ago that drank wine in bags then re-filled it and stuffed in their shorts and tops to look 'larger' and no one asked questions. Think long and hard about your choice and hopefully it pays off. I love the hipflask in the picture from Urban Outfitters, they have a great selection if thats the route you go down.

6. A Setlist.
Im not talking about the list the festivals publish on their website. I am talking about a detailed list of when bands are performing and on what stage. If you aren't an organised person this must sound like a nightmare but finding a clash after you have forked out a fiver for a programme would be worse. At least if you bring your own, you've saved some money and stress. You and your friends can sit around and work out your plan for the day but if you want to cut out the hard work use a website like clash finder before you head off to the festival.

This is my list of festival must haves, have a missed anything you think is important? Did I include something you didnt think of? Let me know on Twitter or Instagram. Stay tuned for Mondays post which will be a Fathers Day gift guide just in time for some great presents for our fab dads.

See you Monday,

Love Katie x

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